PostNord Ship Connect to Magento 2
A complete order and shipping manager available directly in the Magento 2 dashboard. Easy onboarding, configuration via the PostNord portal, display agents & parcel boxes on a map, automated order management, print shipping labels, return labels, track shipments, etc.

PostNord Ship Connect to Magento 2
A complete order and shipping manager available directly in the Magento 2 dashboard. Easy onboarding, configuration via the PostNord portal, display agents & parcel boxes on a map, automated order management, print shipping labels, return labels, track shipments, etc.

PostNord Ship Connect to Magento 2
A complete order and shipping manager available directly in the Magento 2 dashboard. Easy onboarding, configuration via the PostNord portal, display agents & parcel boxes on a map, automated order management, print shipping labels, return labels, track shipments, etc.

PostNord Ship Connect to Magento 2
A complete order and shipping manager available directly in the Magento 2 dashboard. Easy onboarding, configuration via the PostNord portal, display agents & parcel boxes on a map, automated order management, print shipping labels, return labels, track shipments, etc.

PostNord Ship Connect to Magento 2
A complete order and shipping manager available directly in the Magento 2 dashboard. Easy onboarding, configuration via the PostNord portal, display agents & parcel boxes on a map, automated order management, print shipping labels, return labels, track shipments, etc.

PostNord Ship Connect to Magento 2
A complete order and shipping manager available directly in the Magento 2 dashboard. Easy onboarding, configuration via the PostNord portal, display agents & parcel boxes on a map, automated order management, print shipping labels, return labels, track shipments, etc.

PostNord Ship Connect to Magento 2
A complete order and shipping manager available directly in the Magento 2 dashboard. Easy onboarding, configuration via the PostNord portal, display agents & parcel boxes on a map, automated order management, print shipping labels, return labels, track shipments, etc.

PostNord Ship Connect to Magento 2
A complete order and shipping manager available directly in the Magento 2 dashboard. Easy onboarding, configuration via the PostNord portal, display agents & parcel boxes on a map, automated order management, print shipping labels, return labels, track shipments, etc.

PostNord Ship Connect to Magento 2
A complete order and shipping manager available directly in the Magento 2 dashboard. Easy onboarding, configuration via the PostNord portal, display agents & parcel boxes on a map, automated order management, print shipping labels, return labels, track shipments, etc.

PostNord Ship Connect to Magento 2
A complete order and shipping manager available directly in the Magento 2 dashboard. Easy onboarding, configuration via the PostNord portal, display agents & parcel boxes on a map, automated order management, print shipping labels, return labels, track shipments, etc.

PostNord Ship Connect to Magento 2
A complete order and shipping manager available directly in the Magento 2 dashboard. Easy onboarding, configuration via the PostNord portal, display agents & parcel boxes on a map, automated order management, print shipping labels, return labels, track shipments, etc.

PostNord Ship Connect to Magento 2
A complete order and shipping manager available directly in the Magento 2 dashboard. Easy onboarding, configuration via the PostNord portal, display agents & parcel boxes on a map, automated order management, print shipping labels, return labels, track shipments, etc.

PostNord Ship Connect to Magento 2
A complete order and shipping manager available directly in the Magento 2 dashboard. Easy onboarding, configuration via the PostNord portal, display agents & parcel boxes on a map, automated order management, print shipping labels, return labels, track shipments, etc.

PostNord Ship Connect to Magento 2
A complete order and shipping manager available directly in the Magento 2 dashboard. Easy onboarding, configuration via the PostNord portal, display agents & parcel boxes on a map, automated order management, print shipping labels, return labels, track shipments, etc.

PostNord Ship Connect to Magento 2
A complete order and shipping manager available directly in the Magento 2 dashboard. Easy onboarding, configuration via the PostNord portal, display agents & parcel boxes on a map, automated order management, print shipping labels, return labels, track shipments, etc.

PostNord Ship Connect to Magento 2
A complete order and shipping manager available directly in the Magento 2 dashboard. Easy onboarding, configuration via the PostNord portal, display agents & parcel boxes on a map, automated order management, print shipping labels, return labels, track shipments, etc.

PostNord Ship Connect to Magento 2
A complete order and shipping manager available directly in the Magento 2 dashboard. Easy onboarding, configuration via the PostNord portal, display agents & parcel boxes on a map, automated order management, print shipping labels, return labels, track shipments, etc.

PostNord Ship Connect to Magento 2
A complete order and shipping manager available directly in the Magento 2 dashboard. Easy onboarding, configuration via the PostNord portal, display agents & parcel boxes on a map, automated order management, print shipping labels, return labels, track shipments, etc.

PostNord Ship Connect to Magento 2
A complete order and shipping manager available directly in the Magento 2 dashboard. Easy onboarding, configuration via the PostNord portal, display agents & parcel boxes on a map, automated order management, print shipping labels, return labels, track shipments, etc.

PostNord Ship Connect to Magento 2
A complete order and shipping manager available directly in the Magento 2 dashboard. Easy onboarding, configuration via the PostNord portal, display agents & parcel boxes on a map, automated order management, print shipping labels, return labels, track shipments, etc.

PostNord Ship Connect to Magento 2
A complete order and shipping manager available directly in the Magento 2 dashboard. Easy onboarding, configuration via the PostNord portal, display agents & parcel boxes on a map, automated order management, print shipping labels, return labels, track shipments, etc.

PostNord Ship Connect to Magento 2
A complete order and shipping manager available directly in the Magento 2 dashboard. Easy onboarding, configuration via the PostNord portal, display agents & parcel boxes on a map, automated order management, print shipping labels, return labels, track shipments, etc.

PostNord Ship Connect to Magento 2
A complete order and shipping manager available directly in the Magento 2 dashboard. Easy onboarding, configuration via the PostNord portal, display agents & parcel boxes on a map, automated order management, print shipping labels, return labels, track shipments, etc.

PostNord Ship Connect to Magento 2
A complete order and shipping manager available directly in the Magento 2 dashboard. Easy onboarding, configuration via the PostNord portal, display agents & parcel boxes on a map, automated order management, print shipping labels, return labels, track shipments, etc.

PostNord Ship Connect to Magento 2
A complete order and shipping manager available directly in the Magento 2 dashboard. Easy onboarding, configuration via the PostNord portal, display agents & parcel boxes on a map, automated order management, print shipping labels, return labels, track shipments, etc.

PostNord Ship Connect to Magento 2
A complete order and shipping manager available directly in the Magento 2 dashboard. Easy onboarding, configuration via the PostNord portal, display agents & parcel boxes on a map, automated order management, print shipping labels, return labels, track shipments, etc.

Our extensions are installed by 500+ companies

Nedan kan du se vad vi erbjuder för betalplaner för detta extension
A brand new PostNord plugin
Everything is configured in PostNord Send Direct Business but managed directly in the Magento 2 dashboard. View shipping options along with selection of delivery point and delivery to any agent or parcel box. Home delivery with port code support, in-store pickup, etc.
Design and functions have been developed in collaboration with PostNord.

Stylish, clear & easy to use
With PostNord's Ship Connect, you give your visitors an easy way to quickly select the delivery option that suits them best when they arrive at your checkout.
Through PostNord's new portal (Send Direct Business), you can easily select and configure the shipping methods and delivery methods you want to offer to your customers, whether they are companies or individuals.
Ship Connect then displays the selected shipping options in a clean and clear manner.
PostNord Ship Connect also works with well-known payment solutions e.g. Klarna Checkout, Svea Checkout, Payson, Nets and others
Clear and easy to choose shipping method
Determine shipping method & shipping method according to your rules
Increases conversion rate
Take a look at the plugin on our demo page!
Visit our demo page, add a product to your cart and experience the simplicity of the checkout process.
Take the step towards a more efficient and user-friendly checkout now!
All shipping methods & shipping methods for e-commerce
PostNord Ship Connect supports all popular shipping methods, shipping methods and shipping add-ons available for e-commerce in the Send Direct Business portal.
You can also configure pricing and rules for delivery services.
Support for all shipping options in the portal
Simple Installation & Configuration

Ett exempel på hur en tull deklaration kan se ut.

What differentiates the new nShift Delivery packages?
NShift launched its new packages on January 1, 2022 Essential, Professional and It's premium.
The price of each option is influenced by the amount of functions, the number of shipments that the e-merchant sends per year and the number of carriers the e-merchant wants to use.
Click the button below to compare the different packages!
What distinguishes the new nShift Checkout packages?
NShift launched its new packages on January 1, 2022 Essential, Professional and It's premium.
The price of each option is influenced by the amount of functions, the number of shipments that the e-merchant sends per year and the number of carriers the e-merchant wants to use.
Click the button below to compare the different packages!
Priser för PostNord Ship Connect
Du har 14-dagars gratis provperiod oavsett ditt val av licens.

Mer om PostNord Ship Connect
PostNord Ship Connect till WooCommerce stöder alla fraktalternativ för e-handel tillgängliga i Skicka Direkt Business. Nedan kan se några av de funktioner pluginet har. Du kan även titta på videon om pluginet.
Vanliga frågor innan köp
Leverans till utlämningsställe (Ombud el. paketbox)
MyPack Collect (inkl. Business, DPD)
Rek (inkl. Business, International, 2000, 10000, 20000)
Leverans till dörr (med stöd för portkod)
MyPack Home (inkl. DPD)
Parcel (inkl. Business, DPD)
Varubrev Ekonomi (inkl. Business)
Varubrev 1:a klass (inkl. Business)
Leverans till brevlåda
MyPack Home Small (inkl. Business)
Spårbart Brev utrikes (inkl. Business)
Varubrev utrikes (inkl. Business)
Hämta i butik
Pick up in store - Erbjud dina kunder att själva hämta ordern i butik eller lagershop.
OBS! Detta alternativ konfigureras och aktiveras i PostNord-portalen, men leveransen hanteras av e-handlaren.
Du ställer in fraktsätten i PostNord "Skicka Direkt Business". Det är PostNords nya Portal som ersätter PacSoft. Under fliken E-handel ställer du in din butik, fraktmetoder och fraktsätt. Där kan du även aktivera olika frakttillägg och fraktregler.
Självklart, enklast är det att kontakta oss via chatten. Vi går igenom alla förslag internt och med PostNord. Och blir de godkända planeras de in i vår roadmap.
Nej, installation ingår inte utan kostar extra, kontakta support för aktuellt pris. De flesta klarar av att installera den på egen hand då själva installationen är rätt enkel. Det finns också information i vår Helpdesk och även en installationsvideo. Vi hjälper också gärna till att svara på frågor som dyker upp längs vägen.
Nej, vi använder och av Stripe kortbetalning och ibland PayPal. Alla nya kunder har dock 14-dagars provperiod, och ditt kort debiteras först efter 14-dagar. Du kan alltså testa produkten i lugn och ro och är du inte nöjd kan du avsluta provperioden.
Priser för nShift Checkout till Shopify
Du har 7-dagars gratis provperiod oavsett ditt val av licens.

Mer om nShift Checkout till Shopify
Nedan kan du se några av de funktioner appen har. Du kan även titta på Youtube-videon.
Vanliga frågor innan köp
Du ställer in fraktsätten i nShift portalen. Logga in och klicka på fliken Underhåll i huvudmenyn väljer du Fraktcheckout. Där kan du ställa in fraktmetoder, fraktsätt och fraktregler.
Ja, vi hjälper dig komma igång med appen genom att ge dig stöd under konfigurationen av appen och fraktsätt i nShift portalen. Samt berättar om vilka ändringar du måste göra i din butik för att komma igång med appen och nShift Checkout. Det finns också information i vår Helpdesk och även en installationsvideo på vår Youtube-kanal. Vi finns alltid tillgängliga via chat om frågor dyker upp längs vägen.
Shopify har några krav för att man ska kunna hämta in fraktsätt från externa system, men det har inget med versionen av Shopify att göra. Det går bra att använda Basic men i samtliga fall måste du aktivera Carrier based shipping rates via inställningarna i din butik.
För att kunna aktivera det har de som krav att man betalar Shopify abonnemanget per år. Du kan alltså inte ha månadsvis betalning.
Efter att du ändrat till årsvis betalning måste du kontakta Shopify och be dem aktivera Carrier based shipping rates. Det tar ca 24-48 timmar innan det aktiverats (under tiden kan du konfigurera dina fraktsätt i nShift portalen) därefter kan du se nShifts fraktsätt i din butik.
Valet Usage based innebär att du "laddar" appen 100st orderhanteringar ungefär på samma sätt som du laddar ett kontantkort för en mobiltelefon. När du hanterat 100st ordrar måste appen laddas på igen för att kunna hantera fler.
Självklart, enklast är det att kontakta oss via chatten. Vi går igenom alla förslag internt och blir de godkända planeras de in i vår roadmap.
Priser för nShift Checkout till WooCommerce
Du har 14-dagars gratis provperiod

nShift Checkout till WooCommerce
nShift Checkouttill WooCommerce stödjer över 100+ populära transportörer och fraktalternativ.
Vanliga frågor innan köp
nShift Checkout har 100+ populära transportörer och fraktsätt. Du använder dina egna kundnummer som du har skaffat hos respektive transportören anger dina kundnumret i nShift portalen under konfigurationen
Du ställer in fraktsätten i nShifts portalen. Under fliken underhåll och fraktcheckout ställer du in dina checkout, fraktmetoder och fraktsätt. Där kan du även aktivera olika frakttillägg och fraktregler.
Självklart, enklast är det att kontakta oss via chatten. Och blir de godkända planeras de in i vår roadmap.
Nej, installation ingår inte utan kostar extra, kontakta support för aktuellt pris. De flesta klarar av att installera den på egen hand då själva installationen är rätt enkel. Det finns också information i vår Helpdesk och även en installationsvideo. Vi hjälper också gärna till att svara på frågor som dyker upp längs vägen.
Nej, vi använder och av Stripe kortbetalning och ibland PayPal. Alla nya kunder har dock 14-dagars provperiod, och ditt kort debiteras först efter 14-dagar. Du kan alltså testa produkten i lugn och ro och är du inte nöjd kan du avsluta provperioden.
Priser för nShift Delivery till WooCommerce
Du har 14-dagars gratis provperiod oavsett ditt val av licens.

Mer om nShift Delivery
nShift Delivery till WooCommerce stöder alla över 800+ populära transportörer och fraktalternativ. Nedan kan se några av de funktioner pluginet har.
Vanliga frågor innan köp
nShift Delivery stödjer alla populära transportörer och fraktsätt. Du använder dina egna kundnummer som du har skaffat hos respektive transportör, sen anger du dem i nShift portalen under konfigurationen.
Du ställer in fraktsätten i nShifts Delivery pluginet. Under fliken underhåll i nShift portalen kan du ange en eller flera avsändare. En avsändare är alltså ditt företag. På samma sida kan du även lägga in de transportörer och kundnummer du har hos dem.
Självklart, enklast är det att kontakta oss via chatten. Och blir de godkända planeras de in i vår roadmap.
Nej, installation ingår inte utan kostar extra, kontakta support för aktuellt pris. De flesta klarar av att installera den på egen hand då själva installationen är rätt enkel. Det finns också information i vår Helpdesk och även en installationsvideo. Vi hjälper också gärna till att svara på frågor som dyker upp längs vägen.
Nej, vi använder och av Stripe kortbetalning och ibland PayPal. Alla nya kunder har dock 14-dagars provperiod, och ditt kort debiteras först efter 14-dagar. Du kan alltså testa produkten i lugn och ro och är du inte nöjd kan du avsluta provperioden.
Priser - nShift Delivery till Magento 2
Du har 14-dagars gratis provperiod

Mer om nShift Delivery till M2
nShift Delivery till Magento 2 stöder alla över 800+ populära transportörer och fraktalternativ. Nedan kan se några av de funktioner pluginet har.
Vanliga frågor innan köp
nShift Delivery stödjer alla populära transportörer och fraktsätt. Du använder dina egna kundnummer som du har skaffat hos respektive transportör, sen anger du dem i nShift portalen under konfigurationen.
Du ställer in fraktsätten i nShifts Delivery pluginet. Under fliken underhåll i nShift portalen kan du ange en eller flera avsändare. En avsändare är alltså ditt företag. På samma sida kan du även lägga in de transportörer och kundnummer du har hos dem.
Självklart, enklast är det att kontakta oss via chatten. Och blir de godkända planeras de in i vår roadmap.
Nej, installation ingår inte utan kostar extra, kontakta support för aktuellt pris. De flesta klarar av att installera den på egen hand då själva installationen är rätt enkel. Det finns också information i vår Helpdesk och även en installationsvideo. Vi hjälper också gärna till att svara på frågor som dyker upp längs vägen.
Nej, vi använder och av Stripe kortbetalning och ibland PayPal. Alla nya kunder har dock 14-dagars provperiod, och ditt kort debiteras först efter 14-dagar. Du kan alltså testa produkten i lugn och ro och är du inte nöjd kan du avsluta provperioden.
Priser för PostNord Ship Connect
Du har 14-dagars gratis provperiod oavsett ditt val av licens.

PostNord Ship Connect till Magento 2
PostNord Ship Connect till Magento 2 stöder alla fraktalternativ för e-handel tillgängliga i Skicka Direkt Business.
Vanliga frågor innan köp av PostNord Ship Connect för M2
Leverans till utlämningsställe (Ombud el. paketbox)
MyPack Collect (inkl. Business, DPD)
Rek (inkl. Business, International, 2000, 10000, 20000)
Leverans till dörr (med stöd för portkod)
MyPack Home (inkl. DPD)
Parcel (inkl. Business, DPD)
Varubrev Ekonomi (inkl. Business)
Varubrev 1:a klass (inkl. Business)
Leverans till brevlåda
MyPack Home Small (inkl. Business)
Spårbart Brev utrikes (inkl. Business)
Varubrev utrikes (inkl. Business)
Hämta i butik
Pick up in store - Erbjud dina kunder att själva hämta ordern i butik eller lagershop.
OBS! Detta alternativ konfigureras och aktiveras i PostNord-portalen, men leveransen hanteras av e-handlaren.
Du ställer in fraktsätten i PostNord "Skicka Direkt Business". Det är PostNords nya Portal som ersätter PacSoft. Under fliken E-handel ställer du in din butik, fraktmetoder och fraktsätt. Där kan du även aktivera olika frakttillägg och fraktregler.
Självklart, enklast är det att kontakta oss via chatten. Vi går igenom alla förslag internt och med PostNord. Och blir de godkända planeras de in i vår roadmap.
Nej, installation ingår inte utan kostar extra, kontakta support för aktuellt pris. De flesta klarar av att installera den på egen hand då själva installationen är rätt enkel. Det finns också information i vår Helpdesk och även en installationsvideo. Vi hjälper också gärna till att svara på frågor som dyker upp längs vägen.
Nej, vi använder och av Stripe kortbetalning och ibland PayPal. Alla nya kunder har dock 14-dagars provperiod, och ditt kort debiteras först efter 14-dagar. Du kan alltså testa produkten i lugn och ro och är du inte nöjd kan du avsluta provperioden.
Priser för nShift Checkout till Magento 2
Du har 14-dagars gratis provperiod

nShift Checkout till Magento 2
nShift Checkout till Magento 2 stöder alla populära fraktalternativ för e-handel. Nedan kan se några av de funktioner modulen har.
Vanliga frågor innan köp
nShift Checkout har 100+ populära transportörer och fraktsätt. Du använder dina egna kundnummer som du har skaffat hos respektive transportören anger dina kundnumret i nShift portalen under konfigurationen
Du ställer in fraktsätten i nShift portalen där du även lägger till transportörer, fraktmetoder och fraktsätt. Där kan du även aktivera olika frakttillägg och fraktregler.
Självklart, enklast är det att kontakta oss via chatten. Vi går igenom alla förslag internt och blir de godkända planeras de in i vår roadmap.
Nej, installation ingår inte utan kostar extra, kontakta support för aktuellt pris. De flesta klarar av att installera den på egen hand då själva installationen är rätt enkel. Det finns också information i vår Helpdesk och även installationsvideos. Vi hjälper också gärna till att svara på frågor som dyker upp längs vägen.
Nej, vi använder och av Stripe kortbetalning och ibland PayPal. Alla nya kunder har dock 14-dagars provperiod, och ditt kort debiteras först efter 14-dagar. Du kan alltså testa produkten i lugn och ro och är du inte nöjd kan du avsluta provperioden.
Shipit to WooCommerce
The plugin and license can be downloaded free of charge. Freight rates for carriers are added according to
Användarbaserad kostnad kan tillkomma.

Det är en månadsvis betalning för appen och tillkommer en så kallad användningsbaserad betalning på 2 SEK från Shipit om man använder egna avtal mot transportör hos dom. Använder man däremot Shipit's avtal tillkommer ingen användningsbaserad kostnad från dom.
Licens för pluginet kostar 200 SEK per månad med 30 dagars trial.
SHIPIT to WooCommerce
Shipit for WooCommerce supports the most popular e-commerce shipping options. Below can see some of the features the module has.
Shipit has 100+ popular carriers and shipping methods, for complete list you can visit You can use your own customer numbers that you have obtained from the respective carrier or use Shipit's customer numbers.
You choose and configure your shipping methods just like you usually do in WooCommerce. i.e. under Settings in the menu. When you set up a shipping method, you can set your shipping rules at the same time.
Of course, the easiest way is to contact us via chat. We review all proposals internally and if they are approved, they will be planned into our roadmap.
No, installation is not included at extra cost, please contact support for the current price. Most people manage to install it on their own as the installation itself is quite simple. There is also information in our Helpdesk. We are also happy to help answer any questions that come up along the way.
No, because the Shipit plugin is free, you don't have to pay anything to download the plugin. If you want help installing or customizing the plugin, you can pay with Stripe card payment and PayPal.
Easy Customs for WooCommerce
You have 14-day free trial.

Easy Customs for WooCommerce
Easy Customs for WooCommerce supports PostNord. Below can see some of the features the module has.
Shipit has 100+ popular carriers and shipping methods, for complete list you can visit You can use your own customer numbers that you have obtained from the respective carrier or use Shipit's customer numbers.
You choose and configure your shipping methods just like you usually do in WooCommerce. i.e. under Settings in the menu. When you set up a shipping method, you can set your shipping rules at the same time.
Of course, the easiest way is to contact us via chat. We review all proposals internally and if they are approved, they will be planned into our roadmap.
No, installation is not included at extra cost, please contact support for the current price. Most people manage to install it on their own as the installation itself is quite simple. There is also information in our Helpdesk. We are also happy to help answer any questions that come up along the way.
No, because the Shipit plugin is free, you don't have to pay anything to download the plugin. If you want help installing or customizing the plugin, you can pay with Stripe card payment and PayPal.
Shipit to WooCommerce
Shipit Now to Shopify
The shipping rates of the carriers will be added according to the contract prices you have.
User-based cost may apply.

It is a monthly payment for the app and there is a so-called usage-based payment of 2 SEK from Shipit if you use their own agreements with carriers with them. However, if you use Shipit's contract, there is no usage-based cost from them.
License for the plugin costs $19 per month.
If you use an integration in addition to the Shipit integration, a user-based cost will be added to us according to these prices:
Orders 0-100 $0.09
Orders 101-500 $0.07
Orders 501+ $0.06
Shipit Now to Shopify
Shipit Now for Shopify supports the most popular e-commerce shipping options. Below can see some of the features the app has.
Shipit has 100+ popular carriers and shipping methods, for complete list you can visit You can use your own customer numbers that you have obtained from the respective carrier or use Shipit's customer numbers.
You choose and configure your shipping methods in the Shopify app settings.
Of course, the easiest way is to contact us via chat. We review all proposals internally and if they are approved, they will be planned into our roadmap.
No, installation is not included at extra cost, please contact support for the current price. Most people manage to install it on their own as the installation itself is quite simple. There is also information in our Helpdesk. We are also happy to help answer any questions that come up along the way.
No, we use Stripe card payment and sometimes PayPal. Your card will only be charged after 30 days.
Shipit till WooCommerce
Pluginet och licensen kan laddas ner utan kostnad. Transportörernas fraktpriser tillkommer enligt
de avtalspriser du har. Shipit tar ut en användarbaserad kostnad om 2 SEK per order.

SHIPIT till WooCommerce
Shipit till WooCommerce har stöd för de populäraste fraktalternativen för e-handel. Nedan kan se några av de funktioner modulen har.
Vanliga frågor
Shipit har 100+ populära transportörer och fraktsätt, för komplett lista kan du besöka Du kan använda dina egna kundnummer som du har skaffat hos respektive transportören eller använda dig av Shipits kundnummer.
Du väljer och konfigurerar dina fraktsätt precis som du brukar göra i WooCommerce. d.v.s. under inställningar i menyn. När du konfigurerar ett fraktsätt kan du samtidigt ställa in dina fraktregler.
Självklart, enklast är det att kontakta oss via chatten. Vi går igenom alla förslag internt och blir de godkända planeras de in i vår roadmap.
Nej, installation ingår inte utan kostar extra, kontakta support för aktuellt pris. De flesta klarar av att installera den på egen hand då själva installationen är rätt enkel. Det finns också information i vår Helpdesk. Vi hjälper också gärna till att svara på frågor som dyker upp längs vägen.
Nej, eftersom Shipit pluginet är gratis behöver du inte betala något för att ladda ner pluginet. Vill du ha installationshjälp eller specialanpassa pluginet går det att betala med Stripe kortbetalning och PayPal.
Shipit till WooCommerce
PostNord Ship Connect
You have 14-day free trial regardless of your choice of license.

More about PostNord Ship Connect
PostNord Ship Connect to Shopify supports all e-commerce shipping options available in Send Direct Business. Below can see some of the features the app has. You can also watch the video about the plugin.
Frequently Asked Questions Before Buying
Delivery to delivery point (Agent or package box)
MyPack Collect (incl. Business, DPD)
Rek (incl. Business, International, 2000, 10000, 20000)
Door-to-door delivery (with port code support)
MyPack Home (incl. DPD)
Parcel (incl. Business, DPD)
Commodity Letter Economy (incl. Business)
Commodity letter 1st class (incl. Business)
Pallet (Delivery on pallet to site limit)
Delivery to mailbox
MyPack Home Small (incl. Business)
Traceable Letters abroad (incl. Business)
Merchandise letters abroad (incl. Business)
Pick up in store
Pick up in store - Offer your customers to pick up the order themselves in store or warehouse shop.
NOTE! This option is configured and activated in the PostNord portal, but the delivery is handled by the e-merchant.
You set the shipping methods in PostNord “Send Direct Business”. It is PostNord's new Portal that replaces PacSoft. Under the E-Commerce tab, set up your store, shipping methods, and shipping methods. There you can also activate different shipping supplements and shipping rules.
Of course, the easiest way is to contact us via chat. We review all proposals internally and with PostNord. And if they are approved, they will be planned into our roadmap.
No, installation is not included at extra cost, please contact support for the current price. Most people manage to install it on their own as the installation itself is quite simple. There is also information in our Helpdesk and also an installation video. We are also happy to help answer any questions that come up along the way.
No, we use Stripe card payment and sometimes PayPal. However, all new customers have a 14-day trial period, and your card will only be charged after 14 days. So you can test the product in peace and quiet and if you are not satisfied, you can end the trial period.
Video about the app
Shipit till WooCommerce
Pluginet och licensen kan laddas ner utan kostnad. Transportörernas fraktpriser tillkommer enligt
de avtalspriser du har. Shipit tar ut en användarbaserad kostnad om 2 SEK per order.

SHIPIT till WooCommerce
Shipit till WooCommerce har stöd för de populäraste fraktalternativen för e-handel. Nedan kan se några av de funktioner modulen har.
Vanliga frågor
Shipit har 100+ populära transportörer och fraktsätt, för komplett lista kan du besöka Du kan använda dina egna kundnummer som du har skaffat hos respektive transportören eller använda dig av Shipits kundnummer.
Du väljer och konfigurerar dina fraktsätt precis som du brukar göra i WooCommerce. d.v.s. under inställningar i menyn. När du konfigurerar ett fraktsätt kan du samtidigt ställa in dina fraktregler.
Självklart, enklast är det att kontakta oss via chatten. Vi går igenom alla förslag internt och blir de godkända planeras de in i vår roadmap.
Nej, installation ingår inte utan kostar extra, kontakta support för aktuellt pris. De flesta klarar av att installera den på egen hand då själva installationen är rätt enkel. Det finns också information i vår Helpdesk. Vi hjälper också gärna till att svara på frågor som dyker upp längs vägen.
Nej, eftersom Shipit pluginet är gratis behöver du inte betala något för att ladda ner pluginet. Vill du ha installationshjälp eller specialanpassa pluginet går det att betala med Stripe kortbetalning och PayPal.
Shipit till WooCommerce
X-Connect to WooCommerce
Carrier shipping rates are added according to your contract prices.
User-based costs may apply.
You have a 30-day free trial period.

It is a monthly payment for the app and there is a so-called usage-based payment of 2 SEK from Shipit if you use their own agreements with carriers with them. However, if you use Shipit's contract, there is no usage-based cost from them.
License for the plugin costs $19 per month with 30 days trial.
If you use an integration in addition to the Shipit integration, a user-based cost will be added to us according to these prices:
Orders 0-100 $0.09
Orders 101-500 $0.07
Orders 501+ $0.06
X-Connect to WooCommerce
X-Connect to WooCommerce supports the most popular e-commerce shipping options. Below can see some of the features the module has.
X-Connect has several built-in direct integrations with suppliers, direct integrations include DHL Freight, Budbee and PostNord. In addition, we offer support for nShift Delivery, nShift TMS and Shipit. In other words, most of our plugins are now built into one and the same plugin, which makes the choice greater for you as a customer. While the Shipit plugin has “only” the Shipit integration.
Since our plugin includes several different integrations, there are 100+ popular carriers to choose from. You can use your own customer numbers that you have obtained from the respective carrier or use, for example, Shipit's customer number to get started quickly.
You choose and configure your shipping methods just like you usually do in WooCommerce. i.e. under Settings in the menu. When you set up a shipping method, you can set your shipping rules at the same time.
Of course, the easiest way is to contact us via chat. We review all proposals internally and if they are approved, they will be planned into our roadmap.
No, installation is not included at extra cost, please contact support for the current price. Most people manage to install it on their own as the installation itself is quite simple. There is also information in our Helpdesk. We are also happy to help answer any questions that come up along the way.
No, we use Stripe card payment and sometimes PayPal. However, all new customers have a 30-day trial period, and your card will only be charged after 30 days. This means you can test the product in peace and quiet and if you are not satisfied, you can end the trial period.
Shipit to WooCommerce
JYS Shipping to WooCommerce
PricesThe license for the plugin is free, what you pay for is the cost of the shipments and that price varies based on the customer and is unique.

JYS Shipping to WooCommerce
JYS Shipping for WooCommerce supports the most popular e-commerce shipping options. Below can see some of the features the module has.
You can use all shipping methods such as Distribution company Finland have access to, for more information contact their customer service.
You choose and configure your shipping methods just like you usually do in WooCommerce. i.e. under Settings in the menu. When you set up a shipping method, you can set your shipping rules at the same time.
Of course, the easiest way is to contact us via chat. We review all proposals internally and if they are approved, they will be planned into our roadmap.
No, installation is not included at extra cost, please contact support for the current price. Most people manage to install it on their own as the installation itself is quite simple. There is also information in our Helpdesk. We are also happy to help answer any questions that come up along the way.
Shipit to WooCommerce
Prices for PostNord Ship Connect
You have 14-day free trial regardless of your choice of license.

More about PostNord Ship Connect
PostNord Ship Connect to WooCommerce supports all e-commerce shipping options available in Send Direct Business. Below you can see some of the features the plugin has. You can also watch the video about the plugin.
Frequently Asked Questions Before Buying
Delivery to delivery point (Agent or package box)
MyPack Collect (incl. Business, DPD)
Rek (incl. Business, International, 2000, 10000, 20000)
Door-to-door delivery (with port code support)
MyPack Home (incl. DPD)
Parcel (incl. Business, DPD)
Commodity Letter Economy (incl. Business)
Commodity letter 1st class (incl. Business)
Delivery to mailbox
MyPack Home Small (incl. Business)
Traceable Letters abroad (incl. Business)
Merchandise letters abroad (incl. Business)
Pick up in store
Pick up in store - Offer your customers to pick up the order themselves in store or warehouse shop.
NOTE! This option is configured and activated in the PostNord portal, but the delivery is handled by the e-merchant.
You set the shipping methods in PostNord “Send Direct Business”. It is PostNord's new Portal that replaces PacSoft. Under the E-Commerce tab, set up your store, shipping methods, and shipping methods. There you can also activate different shipping supplements and shipping rules.
Of course, the easiest way is to contact us via chat. We review all proposals internally and with PostNord. And if they are approved, they will be planned into our roadmap.
No, installation is not included at extra cost, please contact support for the current price. Most people manage to install it on their own as the installation itself is quite simple. There is also information in our Helpdesk and also an installation video. We are also happy to help answer any questions that come up along the way.
No, we use Stripe card payment and sometimes PayPal. However, all new customers have a 14-day trial period, and your card will only be charged after 14 days. So you can test the product in peace and quiet and if you are not satisfied, you can end the trial period.
Pricing for nShift Checkout to Shopify
You have 7-day free trial regardless of your choice of license.

More about nShift Checkout for Shopify
Below you can see some of the features the app has. You can also watch the YouTube video.
Frequently Asked Questions Before Buying
You set the shipping methods in the nShift portal. Log in and click on the tab Maintenance in the main menu, select Shipping Checkout. There you can set shipping methods, shipping methods and shipping rules.
Yes, we help you get started with the app by providing support during app setup and shipping methods in the nShift portal. Also tells you what changes you need to make to your store to get started with the app and nShift Checkout. There is also information in our Helpdesk and also an installation video on our YouTube Channel. We are always available via chat if questions arise along the way.
Shopify does have some requirements for downloading shipping methods from external systems, but this has nothing to do with the version of Shopify. You can use Basic, but in all cases you need to enable Carrier based shipping rates through the settings in your store.
In order to activate it, they require that you pay the Shopify subscription per year. You can't have monthly payments.
After you change to annual payment, you need to contact Shopify and ask them to enable Carrier based shipping rates. It takes about 24-48 hours before it is activated (in the meantime, you can configure your shipping methods in the nShift portal) after which you can see nShift shipping methods in your store.
The Usage based option means that you “load” the app's 100pc of order handlers in much the same way as you load a prepaid card for a mobile phone. After processing 100 orders, the app needs to be reloaded to handle more.
Of course, the easiest way is to contact us via chat. We review all proposals internally and if they are approved, they will be planned into our roadmap.
Pricing for nShift Checkout for WooCommerce
You have 14-day free trial regardless of your choice of license.

nShift Checkout for WooCommerce
nShift Checkout to WooCommerce supports over 100+ popular carriers and shipping options.
Frequently Asked Questions Before Buying
nShift Checkout has 100+ popular carriers and shipping methods. You use your own customer numbers that you have obtained from the respective carrier, enter your customer numbers in the nShift portal during configuration
You set the shipping methods in the nShifts portal. Under the Maintenance and Shipping Checkout tab, set up your checkout, shipping methods, and shipping methods. There you can also activate different shipping supplements and shipping rules.
Of course, the easiest way is to contact us via chat. And if they are approved, they will be planned into our roadmap.
No, installation is not included at extra cost, please contact support for the current price. Most people manage to install it on their own as the installation itself is quite simple. There is also information in our Helpdesk and also an installation video. We are also happy to help answer any questions that come up along the way.
No, we use Stripe card payment and sometimes PayPal. However, all new customers have a 14-day trial period, and your card will only be charged after 14 days. So you can test the product in peace and quiet and if you are not satisfied, you can end the trial period.
Prices for nShift Delivery to WooCommerce
You have 14-day free trial regardless of your choice of license.

More about nShift Delivery
nShift Delivery to WooCommerce supports all over 800+ popular carriers and shipping options. Below you can see some of the features the plugin has.
Frequently Asked Questions Before Buying
nShift Delivery supports all popular carriers and shipping methods. You use your own customer numbers that you have obtained from the respective carrier, then enter them in the nShift portal during configuration.
You set the shipping methods in the nShifts Delivery plugin. Under the Maintenance tab of the nShift portal, you can specify one or more senders. A sender is your business. On the same page you can also enter the carriers and customer numbers you have with them.
Of course, the easiest way is to contact us via chat. And if they are approved, they will be planned into our roadmap.
No, installation is not included at extra cost, please contact support for the current price. Most people manage to install it on their own as the installation itself is quite simple. There is also information in our Helpdesk and also an installation video. We are also happy to help answer any questions that come up along the way.
No, we use Stripe card payment and sometimes PayPal. However, all new customers have a 14-day trial period, and your card will only be charged after 14 days. So you can test the product in peace and quiet and if you are not satisfied, you can end the trial period.
Prices - nShift Delivery to Magento 2
You have 14-day free trial regardless of your choice of license.

More about nShift Delivery to M2
nShift Delivery to Magento 2 supports all over 800+ popular carriers and shipping options. Below you can see some of the features the plugin has.
Frequently Asked Questions Before Buying
nShift Delivery supports all popular carriers and shipping methods. You use your own customer numbers that you have obtained from the respective carrier, then enter them in the nShift portal during configuration.
You set the shipping methods in the nShifts Delivery plugin. Under the Maintenance tab of the nShift portal, you can specify one or more senders. A sender is your business. On the same page you can also enter the carriers and customer numbers you have with them.
Of course, the easiest way is to contact us via chat. And if they are approved, they will be planned into our roadmap.
No, installation is not included at extra cost, please contact support for the current price. Most people manage to install it on their own as the installation itself is quite simple. There is also information in our Helpdesk and also an installation video. We are also happy to help answer any questions that come up along the way.
No, we use Stripe card payment and sometimes PayPal. However, all new customers have a 14-day trial period, and your card will only be charged after 14 days. So you can test the product in peace and quiet and if you are not satisfied, you can end the trial period.
Prices for PostNord Ship Connect
You have 14-day free trial regardless of your choice of license.

PostNord Ship Connect to Magento 2
PostNord Ship Connect to Magento 2 supports all e-commerce shipping options available in Send Direct Business.
FAQs Before Buying PostNord Ship Connect for M2
Delivery to delivery point (Agent or package box)
MyPack Collect (incl. Business, DPD)
Rek (incl. Business, International, 2000, 10000, 20000)
Door-to-door delivery (with port code support)
MyPack Home (incl. DPD)
Parcel (incl. Business, DPD)
Commodity Letter Economy (incl. Business)
Commodity letter 1st class (incl. Business)
Delivery to mailbox
MyPack Home Small (incl. Business)
Traceable Letters abroad (incl. Business)
Merchandise letters abroad (incl. Business)
Pick up in store
Pick up in store - Offer your customers to pick up the order themselves in store or warehouse shop.
NOTE! This option is configured and activated in the PostNord portal, but the delivery is handled by the e-merchant.
You set the shipping methods in PostNord “Send Direct Business”. It is PostNord's new Portal that replaces PacSoft. Under the E-Commerce tab, set up your store, shipping methods, and shipping methods. There you can also activate different shipping supplements and shipping rules.
Of course, the easiest way is to contact us via chat. We review all proposals internally and with PostNord. And if they are approved, they will be planned into our roadmap.
No, installation is not included at extra cost, please contact support for the current price. Most people manage to install it on their own as the installation itself is quite simple. There is also information in our Helpdesk and also an installation video. We are also happy to help answer any questions that come up along the way.
No, we use Stripe card payment and sometimes PayPal. However, all new customers have a 14-day trial period, and your card will only be charged after 14 days. So you can test the product in peace and quiet and if you are not satisfied, you can end the trial period.
Prices for nShift Checkout to Magento 2
You have 14-day free trial regardless of your choice of license.

nShift Checkout to Magento 2
nShift Checkout to Magento 2 supports all popular e-commerce shipping options. Below can see some of the features the module has.
Frequently Asked Questions Before Buying
nShift Checkout has 100+ popular carriers and shipping methods. You use your own customer numbers that you have obtained from the respective carrier, enter your customer numbers in the nShift portal during configuration
You set the shipping methods in the nShift portal, where you also add carriers, shipping methods and shipping methods. There you can also activate different shipping supplements and shipping rules.
Of course, the easiest way is to contact us via chat. We review all proposals internally and if they are approved, they will be planned into our roadmap.
No, installation is not included at extra cost, please contact support for the current price. Most people manage to install it on their own as the installation itself is quite simple. There is also information in our Helpdesk and installation videos as well. We are also happy to help answer any questions that come up along the way.
No, we use Stripe card payment and sometimes PayPal. However, all new customers have a 14-day trial period, and your card will only be charged after 14 days. So you can test the product in peace and quiet and if you are not satisfied, you can end the trial period.
Shipit to WooCommerce
Carriers' shipping costs are added according to your contract prices.
User-based costs may be added.

SHIPIT to WooCommerce
Shipit for WooCommerce supports the most popular e-commerce shipping options. Below can see some of the features the module has.
Shipit has 100+ popular carriers and shipping methods, for complete list you can visit You can use your own customer numbers that you have obtained from the respective carrier or use Shipit's customer numbers.
You choose and configure your shipping methods just like you usually do in WooCommerce. i.e. under Settings in the menu. When you set up a shipping method, you can set your shipping rules at the same time.
Of course, the easiest way is to contact us via chat. We review all proposals internally and if they are approved, they will be planned into our roadmap.
No, installation is not included at extra cost, please contact support for the current price. Most people manage to install it on their own as the installation itself is quite simple. There is also information in our Helpdesk. We are also happy to help answer any questions that come up along the way.
No, we use Stripe card payment and sometimes PayPal. However, all new customers have a 30-day trial period, and your card will only be charged after 30 days. This means you can test the product in peace and quiet and if you are not satisfied, you can end the trial period.
Shipit to WooCommerce
Want to know more about PostNord Ship Connect or book a briefing?
Book a product review or ask your questions via our chat.